Friday, November 23, 2012



Flame Aura

Npc Location

mag_dun02 134 154
Item you need
10 Root of Stone (Treasure Chest Guild Castle Drops)
50 Flame Heart (@warp thor_v03 kill Salamender/@warp in_sphinx3 kill Marduk)
100 Burning Stone (Buy at Npc Boonray @warp que_ng 73 23)
1 Ifrit Ears (Buy at Vote Point Shop @warp turbo_room 130 130)
1 Ring of Flame Lord (@warp thor_v03 kill MVP Ifrit)
1 Ring of Reconance (@warp thor_v03 kill MVP Ifrit)


Robot Ears

 Npc Location
 einbroch 83 99
Item you need
10 Whell of Unknown (Castle Drops or Token Quest)
2 Welding Mask (buy at @warp turbo_room 94 123)
2 Golden Hammer (Old Blue Box or Old Purple Box)
2 Iron Hammer (Old Blue Box or Old Purple Box)

2 Emperium Anvil (Old Blue Box or Old Purple Box)
 100 Rusty Screw (@warp juperos_02 kill Venatu)
15.000.000 zenny

Alice Doll

Npc Location
 amatsu 191 93
Item you need
150 reins (@warp gefenia01, gefenia02, gefenia03, geffenia04, gl_knt01. kill Abysmal Knight)
200 Alice's Apron (@warp kh_dun01 kill Alice or Aliza)
100 Gold
(@warp lou_fild01 kill Mi Gao or Go to Gold Room at @warp prontera 171 151) 

100.000.000 zenny

Dowry Hat

Npc Location
 gonryun 45 252
Item you need
10 Sakkat (buy at @warp turbo_room 94 123) 
500 Green Live (@warp pay_fild06 kill Wormtail, @warp moc_fild18 kill Muka)
1 Muramasa (@warp gl_cas02 kill Wanderer)
1 Emblem of Sun God (Castle Drops or Token Quest)
1000 Green Bijou (warp abyss_01 kill Ferus)
1 Lord Kaho's Horn (Quest @warp Jupe_ele_r 55 64 klick HERE)
1 Takius Blinfold (Quest @warp jupe_ele_r 40 66 klick HERE)
10000 zenny   

Valkyrie Helm

Npc Location
  prontera 93 208
Item you need

100 Tiger Foot Skin (MVP BETA @warp quiz_00 59 28 kill Eddga)
1 Matchstick (@warp xmas_dun01 kill Chepet)
1 Takius Blindfold (Quest at
@warp jupe_ele_r 40 66 klick HERE)

1 White Dyestuff (Old Blue Box or Old Purple Box or klick HERE)

 Red Valkyrie Helm - Black Valkyrie Helm - Traveler Hat - Evil Majestic Goat

Npc Location
 xmas 144 236

Red Valkyrie Helm
12 Omen of Tempest (Castle Drops or Token Quest)
500.000.000 zenny

Black Valkyrie Helm
12 Sinew of Bear (Castle Drops or Token Quest)
 500.000.000 zenny

Traveler Hat
14 Snow Crystal (Castle Drops or Token Quest)
500.000.000 zenny

Evil Majestic Goat
12 Wrath of Valkyrie (Castle Drops or Token Quest)
500.000.000 zenny

Magic Eyes

 Npc location:
izlude 119 101
 Item You Need:
 700 Black Hair (@warp pay_dun03 kill Soohe)
700 Blue Hair (@warp gef_fild12 kill Kobold or Kobold Archer)
100 Gold (@warp lou_fild01 kill Mi Gao or Go to Gold Room at @warp prontera 171 151)
100.000.000 Zenny

Mizukage Hat - Claw Wing

 Npc location:
 morocc 297 215
 Mizukage Hat
 1 Magic Eye (quest at @warp izlude 119 101 read the top of this post)
1 Artic Wing (quest at @warp jupe_ele_r 59 66)
1 Credit

Claw Wing
1 Cygnus Helm (Quest at @warp jupe_ele_r 44 64 klick HERE)
1 Gargoyle Wing (Quest at @warp jupe_ele_r 59 71 klick HERE)
1 Credit   

Hokage Hat 

 Npc location:
 prontera 217 180
 Item You Need
100 Slick Paper (@warp ama_fild01 kill Karakasa)
100 Broken Shuriken (@warp ama_dun03 kill Shinobi)
10 Mother's Nightmare (@warp pvp_n_1-2 kill Maya. -note: if u can't find Maya there, you can use NPC in- the middle and select the Harder Monster)
100 Skull (@warp c_tower3 - kill Alarm)

Blank Eyes

Npc Location
 louyang 244 103
 Item you need
1 Takius Blindfold (@warp jupe_ele_r 40 66 klick HERE)
300 Ancient Lips (@warp iz_dun04 killMerman)
300 Solid Shell (@warp cmd_fild03 kill Anolian or gef_fild09 killAmbernite or iz_dun01 kill Vadon)

100.000.000 zenny   

please leave your comment if I have something wrong ^^ thanks
by: arievz 

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