4 Leaf Clover in Mouth
4,000,000 zeny
(705) Clover x 100
(706) Four Leaf Clover x 4
(2270) Romantic Leaf x 1
Angeling Hairpin
5,000,000 zeny
(5084) Lazy Smokie x 1
Angeling Hat
4,000,000 zeny
(5170) Feather Beret x 1
(5074) Angel Wing Ears x 1
Aquarius Crown
5,000,000 zeny
(2235) Crown x 1
(995) Mystic Frozen x 50
(7446) Blue Bijou x 50
Aquarius Diadem
5,000,000 zeny
(5124) Fricca's Circlet x 1
(995) Mystic Frozen x 50
(7446) Blue Bijou x 50
Aries Crown
5,000,000 zeny
(2235) Crown x 1
(994) Flame Heart x 50
(730) 1 Carat Diamond x 20
Aries Diadem
5,000,000 zeny
(5124) Fricca's Circlet x 1
(994) Flame Heart x 50
(730) 1 Carat Diamond x 20
Autumn Leaves [1]
5,000,000 zeny
(7198) Huge Leaf x 200
(706) Four Leaf Clover x 2
Chick Hat
4,000,000 zeny
(916) Feathers of Birds x 300
(7063) Soft Feather x 25
(4117) Sidewinder Card x 1
Bandit Hat [1]
6,000,000 zeny
(2221) Hat [1] x 1
(2336) Thiefs Clothes x 1
(724) Cursed Ruby x 25
Baseball Cap [1]
2,000,000 zeny
(2227) Cap [1] x 1
(978) Cobaltblue Dyestuffs x 1
(1057) Moth Dust x 100
Bell Ribbon [1]
5,000,000 zeny
(969) Gold x 5
(10016) Golden Bell x 2
(5083) Red Ribbon x 1
Bird Nest
5,000,000 zeny
(604) Dead Branch x 100
(916) Feather of Birds x 200
Black Tea Kochakaden Hat [1]
2,000,000 zeny
(6021) Peaked Hat x 100
(7567) Suspicious Hat x 100
(2221) Hat [1] x 1
(983) Black Dyestuffs x 5
(981) Violet Dyestuffs x 5
(4127) Nightmare Card x 1
Blank Eyes
(7263) Cat's Eye x 125
(2276) Angled Glasses x 1
(2239) Monocle x 2
(982) White Dyestuffs x 5
Bride's Flower Crown / Bride
2,000,000 zeny
(2207) Fancy Flower x 50
(2269) Romantic Flower x 1
(2282) Halo x 1
Bunny Top Hat
5,000,000 zeny
(2241) Bunny Band x 1
(5045) Magician Hat x 1
(975) Scarlet Dyestuffs x 1
(740) Puppet x 100
Cancer Crown
5,000,000 zeny
(2235) Crown x 1
(991) Crystal Blue x 100
(7446) Blue Bijou x 50
Cancer Diadem
5,000,000 zeny
(5124) Fricca's Circlet x 1
(991) Crystal Blue x 100
(7446) Blue Bijou x 50
Captain's Hat
4,000,000 zeny
(5120) Bucket Hat [1] X 5
(995) Mystic Frozen X 50
(983) Black Dyestuffs X 1
Carmen Miranda's Hat
2,000,000 zeny
(513) Banana x 100
(514) Grape x 100
(2226) Cap x 1
Close Helmet
5,000,000 zeny
(7095) Metal Fragment x 50
(6090) Purified Bradium x 100
(999) Steel x 100
(2228) Helm x 1
Crescent Helm
3,000,000 zeny
(5172) Beret x 1
(1234) Moonlight Dagger x 1
Cyclops Eye
2,000,000 zeny
(5104) Dark Blinder x 1
(969) Gold x 1
(975) Scarlet Dyestuffs x 1
(980) Orange Dyestuffs x 5
(999) Steel x 250
Dice Hat
5,000,000 zeny
(2221) Hat [1] x 1
(999) Steel x 50
Dokebi Hat / Bogy Cap [1]
1,000,000 zeny
(1021) Dokebi Horn x 300
(7268) Little Ghost Doll x 1
Drooping Morroc Minion [1]
2,000,000 zeny
(2536) Skin of Ventus x 1
(7799) Crystal of Darkness x 15
(7157) Dark Mask x 10
(7340) Will of Darkness x 10
(7511) Rune of Darkness x 5
Drooping Ninetail
5,000,000 zeny
(976) Lemon Dyestuffs x 1
(1022) Nine Tails x 200
(754) Raccoon Doll x 5
Emperor's Laural Crown / Emperor Wreath [1]
7,000,000 zeny
(7298) Fig Leaf x 200
(5165) Crown [1] x 1
Evil Snake Lord Hat [1]
5,000,000 zeny
(5347) Ph.D Hat [1] x 1
(975) Scarlet Dyestuffs x 1
(982) White Dyestuffs x 1
(983) Black Dyestuffs x 1
(7169) Ba Gua x 1
Executioner Hood / Cap of Blindness [1]
3,000,000 zeny
(7017) Executioner's Mitten x 5
(2288) Mr Scream x 1
(983) Black Dyestuffs x 5
Fish Head Hat
3,000,000 zeny
(1054) Ancient Lips x 10
(1023) Fish Tail x 50
(579) Fresh Fish x 100
(1429) Fisherman's Dagger x 1
Fisherman's Hat
5,000,000 zeny
(5120) Bucket Hat [1] x 2
(976) Lemon Dyestuffs x 5
(1059) Fabric x 50
Flying Angel / Flapping Angel Wing
9,000,000 zeny
(671) Gold Coin x 5
(2254) Angel Wing x 1
(7441) Blue Feather x 100
Frog Hat
2,000,000 zeny
(918) Sticky Webfoot x 200
(1061) Witched Starsand x 50
Frozen Twin Pompom
2,000,000 zeny
(2236) Santa Hat x 2
(978) Cobaltblue Dyestuffs x 1
(1034) Blue Hair x 50
(995) Mystic Frozen x 20
Gangster Scarf
5,000,000 zeny
(5096) Assassin Mask x 1
(2265) Gangster Mask x 1
(6091) Dark Red Scale x 1
(7566) Will of Red Darkness x 1
(975) Scarlet Dyestuffs x 5
(916) Feather of Birds x 200
(7063) Soft Feather x 20
Gemini Crown
5,000,000 zeny
(2235) Crown x 1
(996) Rough Winds x 50
(7445) Green Bijou x 50
Gemini Diadem
5,000,000 zeny
(5124) Fricca's Circlet x 1
(996) Rough Winds x 50
(7445) Green Bijou x 50
Green Sheila Hairnet / Green Bunny Hairband [1]
5,000,000 zeny
(5213) Shiela Hairnet x 1
(979) Sarkgreen Dyestuffs x 4
2,000,000 zeny
(748) Witherless Rose x 100
(5061) Flower Hairpin x 1
Holy Marcher Hat / Parade Hat [1]
2,000,000 zeny
(2261) Army Cap x 1
(978) Cobaltblue Dyestuffs x 1
(7063) Soft Feather x 50
(983) Black Dyestuffs x 1
Hunter Hat / Hunter's Cap [1]
5,000,000 zeny
(979) Darkgreen Dyestuffs x 1
(7445) Green Bijou x 150
(1059) Fabric x 100
Judge Cap / Judge Hat
3,000,000 zeny
(7446) Green Bijou x 7
(7446) Blue Bijou x 7
(7447) Red Bijou x 7
(7448) Yellow Bijou x 7
(945) Raccoon Leaf x 100
(983) Black Dyestuffs x 1
(733) Cracked Diamond x 5
Kafra Band
5,000,000 zeny
(2258) Spiky Band x 1
(2210) Hair Band x 1
(7063) Soft Feather x 10
Kawaii Ribbon / Charming Ribbon [1]
5,000,000 zeny
(2250) Cute Ribbon x 1
(2244) Big Ribbon x 1
(10007) Silk Ribbon x 1
Legionnaire Hat [1]
5,000,000 zeny
(5016) Boy's Cap x 1
(1098) Manacles x 200
(975) Scarlet Dyestuffs x 5
(1004) Chivalry Emblem x 10
Leo Crown
5,000,000 zeny
(2235) Crown x 1
(994) Flame Heart x 50
(7446) Blue Bijou x 100
Leo Diadem
5,000,000 zeny
(5124) Fricca's Circlet x 1
(994) Flame Heart x 50
(7446) Blue Bijou x 100
Libra Crown
5,000,000 zeny
(2235) Crown x 1
(6075) Crystalized Teardrop x 50
(7445) Green Bijou x 200
Libra Diadem
5,000,000 zeny
(5124) Fricca's Circlet x 1
(6075) Crystalized Teardrop x 50
(7445) Green Bijou x 200
Linguistic Book Hat
2,000,000 zeny
(1550) Book [3] x 2
(1006) Old Magicbook x 5
Lion Mask
2,000,000 zeny
(1048) Horrendous Hair x 100
(7564) Rotten Meat x 150
(517) Meat x 50
Little Angel Doll
10,000,000 zeny
(5671) Drooping Morroc Minion [1] x 1
(2285) Apple of Archer x 1
(4316) False Angel Card x 3
(4394) Lady Solace Card x 3
(978) Cobaltblue Dyestuffs x 5
(982) White Dyestuffs x 5
(7212) Hung Doll x 100
(7268) Little Ghost Doll x 100
(754) Raccoon Doll x 10
Love Daddy Hat
3,000,000 zeny
(994) Flame Heart x 100
(976) Lemon Dyestuffs x 1
(5016) Boy's Cap x 1
Luxurious Wedding Veil [1]
5,000,000 zeny
(2206) Wedding Veil x 1
(1059) Fabric x 200
(7751) Old White Cloth x 100
Magnolia Hat [1]
1,500,00 zeny
(574) Egg x 150
(7031) Old Frying Pan x 150
Maiden's Twin Ribbon / Twin Ribbon [1]
7,000,000 zeny
(5085) Small Ribbons x 1
(7166) Soft Silk x 250
Mischievous Fairy
4,000,000 zeny
(2286) Elven Ears x 1
(6395) Angel Magic Power x 25
Necktie [1]
5,000,000 zeny
(978) Cobaltblue Dyestuffs x 2
(7166) Soft Silk x 100
Neko Mimi
5,000,000 zeny
(7267) Tiger Panty x 300
(7171) Leopard Skin x 300
(949) Feather x 100
Note Headphones [1]
5,000,000 zeny
(5001) Headset x 1
(978) Cobaltblue Dyestuffs x 1
(991) Crystal Blue x 200
Peacock Feather [1]
1,000,000 zeny
(7115) Harpy Feather x 200
(2229) Helm [1] x 1
(7441) Blue Feather x 25
(7440) Red Feather x 25
Peco-peco Ears / Peco Ears
1,000,000 zeny
(5074) Angel Wing Ears x 1
(7101) Peco Peco Feather x 150
Pisces Crown
5,000,000 zeny
(2235) Crown x 1
(1023) Fish Tail x 200
(991) Crystal Blue x 100
Pisces Diadem
5,000,000 zeny
(5124) Fricca's Circlet x 1
(1023) Fish Tail x 200
(991) Crystal Blue x 100
Poporing Hat / Poporing Cap
1,000,000 zeny
(5035) Poring Hat x 1
(979) Darkgreen Dyestuffs x 1
(938) Sticky Mucus x 100
Puppy Hat
5,000,000 zeny
(5008) Puppy Love x 1
(5118) Puppy Headband x 1
(1060) Golden Hair x 100
Red Comb / Hair Brush
5,000,00 zeny
(975) Scarlet Dyestuffs x 5
(999) Steel x 100
Red Glasses
2,000,000 zeny
(2276) Angled Glasses x 1
(998) Iron x 100
(718) Garnet x 2
Red Wing Hat [1]
4,000,000 zeny
(5172) Beret x 1
(2254) Angel Wing x 1
(975) Scarlet Dyestuffs x 1
(7166) Soft Silk x 120
Ride Word Hat [1]
2,000,000 zeny
(1550) Book [3] x 1
(1556) Book of Gust Wind x 1
(4185) Rideword Card x 1
RJC Katyusha Flower [1]
8,000,000 zeny
(7510) Valhalla's Flower x 2
(975) Scarlet Dyestuffs x 1
(2210) Hair Band x 1
Sakura Milk Tea Hat [1]
5,000,000 zeny
(2227) Cap [1] x 1
(7567) Suspicious Hat x 100
Sakura Mist Hat [1]
7,000,000 zeny
(710) Illusion Flower x 50
(5123) Ulle's Cap [1] x 1
(2614) Eye of Dullahan x 1
Sales Banner
1,000,000 zeny
(2272) Stop Post x 1
(7451) Fire Dragon Scale x 1
(983) Black Dyestuffs x 1
Scorpio Crown
5,000,000 zeny
(2235) Crown x 1
(993) Green Live x 100
(7448) Yellow Bijou x 100
(904) Scorpion Tail x 100
Scorpio Diadem [1]
5,000,000 zeny
(5124) Fricca's Circlet x 1
(993) Green Live x 100
(7448) Yellow Bijou x 100
(904) Scorpion Tail x 100
Scuba Mask / Scuba Gear
5,000,000 zeny
(7325) Flexible Tube x 5
(2205) Diver Goggles x 1
(7355) Transparent Plate x 1
Sigrun's Wings
6,000,000 zeny
(7441) Blue Feather x 100
(5074) Angel Wing Ears x 1
Shaman Hat [1]
10,000,000 zeny
(2255) Evil Wing x 1
(5045) Magician Hat x 1
(975) Scarlet Dyestuffs x 1
Shaman's Coif / Shaman's Hair Decoration
5,000,000 zeny
(1059) Fabric x 50
(5665) Shaman Hat [1] x 1
Sheila Hairnet
4,000,000 zeny
(949) Feather x 100
(7063) Soft Feather x 10
(2210) Hair Band x 1
(1059) Fabric x 70
Sloth Hat [1]
5,000,000 zeny
(754) Raccoon Doll x 200
(2213) Kitty Band x 1
(919) Animal Skin x 1
Solar Hat
5,000,000 zeny
(724) Cursed Ruby x 10
(7938) Light Particle x 25
Soul Ring
5,000,000 zeny
(2254) Angel Wing x 1
(2282) Halo 1
(7064) Wing of Dragonfly 100
(969) Gold 5
Taurus Crown
5,000,000 zeny
(2235) Crown x 1
(997) Great nature x 50
(7106) Antelope Horn x 100
(7448) Yellow Bijou x 200
(5066) Succubus Horn x 1
Taurus Diadem
5,000,000 zeny
(5124) Fricca's Circle x 1
(997) Great nature x 50
(7106) Antelope Horn x 100
(7448) Yellow Bijou x 200
(5066) Succubus Horn x 1
Tiger Mask
3,000,000 zeny
(1029) Tiger Skin x 100
(2297) Goblin Mask x 1
(7267) Tiger Panty x 50
Tiraya Bonnet / Striped Hat [1]
5,000,000 zeny
(983) Black Dyestuffs x 5
(978) Cobaltblue Dyestuffs x 5
(5045) MAgician Hat x 1
(981) Violet Dyestuffs x 5
Twin Pompom by JB
2,000,000 zeny
(5390) Frozen Twin Pompom x 1
(975) Scarlet Dyestuffs x 1
Valkyrie Feather Band [1]
5,000,000 zeny
(7510) Valhalla's Flower x 1
(2210) Hair Band x 1
(7063) Soft Feather x 50
Virgo Crown [1]
5,000,000 zeny
(2235) Crown x 1
(997) Great Nature x 50
(726) Sapphire x 50
(1049) Skirt of Virgin x 200
Virgo Diadem [1]
5,000,000 zeny
(5124) Fricca's Circlet x 1
(997) Great Nature x 50
(726) Sapphire x 50
(1049) Skirt of Virgin x 200
Wanderer's Sakkat [1]
9,000,000 zeny
(7446) Blue Bijou x 100
(6089) Dark Piece x 100
(2280) Sakkat x 1
Wandering Wolf Hat / Wandering Wolf Helm
9,000,000 zeny
(7030) Claw of Desert Wolf x 400
(626) Monster Juice x 5
(5075) Cowboy Hat x 1
Whikebine's Black Cat Ears
1,000,000 zeny
(5057) Black Cat Ears x 1
(7206) Black Cat Doll x 100
Whisper Mask
3,000,000 zeny
(7019) Loki's Whispers x 1
(7567) Suspicious Hat x 50
White Petal / Romantic White Flower
3,000,000 zeny
(2269) Romantic Flower x 1
(9882) White Dyestuffs x 1
(2207) Fancy Flower x 10
Yellow Shiela Hairnet / Yellow Bunny Hairband [1]
5,000,000 zeny
(976) Lemon Dyestuffs x 3
(5213) Shiela Hairnet x 1
(980) Orange Dyestuffs x 1
Yoyo Hat
2,000,000 zeny
(753) Yoyo Doll x 1
(4044) Smokie Card x 1
4,000,000 zeny
(705) Clover x 100
(706) Four Leaf Clover x 4
(2270) Romantic Leaf x 1
Angeling Hairpin
5,000,000 zeny
(5084) Lazy Smokie x 1
Angeling Hat
4,000,000 zeny
(5170) Feather Beret x 1
(5074) Angel Wing Ears x 1
Aquarius Crown
5,000,000 zeny
(2235) Crown x 1
(995) Mystic Frozen x 50
(7446) Blue Bijou x 50
Aquarius Diadem
5,000,000 zeny
(5124) Fricca's Circlet x 1
(995) Mystic Frozen x 50
(7446) Blue Bijou x 50
Aries Crown
5,000,000 zeny
(2235) Crown x 1
(994) Flame Heart x 50
(730) 1 Carat Diamond x 20
Aries Diadem
5,000,000 zeny
(5124) Fricca's Circlet x 1
(994) Flame Heart x 50
(730) 1 Carat Diamond x 20
Autumn Leaves [1]
5,000,000 zeny
(7198) Huge Leaf x 200
(706) Four Leaf Clover x 2
Chick Hat
4,000,000 zeny
(916) Feathers of Birds x 300
(7063) Soft Feather x 25
(4117) Sidewinder Card x 1
Bandit Hat [1]
6,000,000 zeny
(2221) Hat [1] x 1
(2336) Thiefs Clothes x 1
(724) Cursed Ruby x 25
Baseball Cap [1]
2,000,000 zeny
(2227) Cap [1] x 1
(978) Cobaltblue Dyestuffs x 1
(1057) Moth Dust x 100
Bell Ribbon [1]
5,000,000 zeny
(969) Gold x 5
(10016) Golden Bell x 2
(5083) Red Ribbon x 1
Bird Nest
5,000,000 zeny
(604) Dead Branch x 100
(916) Feather of Birds x 200
Black Tea Kochakaden Hat [1]
2,000,000 zeny
(6021) Peaked Hat x 100
(7567) Suspicious Hat x 100
(2221) Hat [1] x 1
(983) Black Dyestuffs x 5
(981) Violet Dyestuffs x 5
(4127) Nightmare Card x 1
Blank Eyes
(7263) Cat's Eye x 125
(2276) Angled Glasses x 1
(2239) Monocle x 2
(982) White Dyestuffs x 5
Bride's Flower Crown / Bride
2,000,000 zeny
(2207) Fancy Flower x 50
(2269) Romantic Flower x 1
(2282) Halo x 1
Bunny Top Hat
5,000,000 zeny
(2241) Bunny Band x 1
(5045) Magician Hat x 1
(975) Scarlet Dyestuffs x 1
(740) Puppet x 100
Cancer Crown
5,000,000 zeny
(2235) Crown x 1
(991) Crystal Blue x 100
(7446) Blue Bijou x 50
Cancer Diadem
5,000,000 zeny
(5124) Fricca's Circlet x 1
(991) Crystal Blue x 100
(7446) Blue Bijou x 50
Captain's Hat
4,000,000 zeny
(5120) Bucket Hat [1] X 5
(995) Mystic Frozen X 50
(983) Black Dyestuffs X 1
Carmen Miranda's Hat
2,000,000 zeny
(513) Banana x 100
(514) Grape x 100
(2226) Cap x 1
Close Helmet
5,000,000 zeny
(7095) Metal Fragment x 50
(6090) Purified Bradium x 100
(999) Steel x 100
(2228) Helm x 1
Crescent Helm
3,000,000 zeny
(5172) Beret x 1
(1234) Moonlight Dagger x 1
Cyclops Eye
2,000,000 zeny
(5104) Dark Blinder x 1
(969) Gold x 1
(975) Scarlet Dyestuffs x 1
(980) Orange Dyestuffs x 5
(999) Steel x 250
Dice Hat
5,000,000 zeny
(2221) Hat [1] x 1
(999) Steel x 50
Dokebi Hat / Bogy Cap [1]
1,000,000 zeny
(1021) Dokebi Horn x 300
(7268) Little Ghost Doll x 1
Drooping Morroc Minion [1]
2,000,000 zeny
(2536) Skin of Ventus x 1
(7799) Crystal of Darkness x 15
(7157) Dark Mask x 10
(7340) Will of Darkness x 10
(7511) Rune of Darkness x 5
Drooping Ninetail
5,000,000 zeny
(976) Lemon Dyestuffs x 1
(1022) Nine Tails x 200
(754) Raccoon Doll x 5
Emperor's Laural Crown / Emperor Wreath [1]
7,000,000 zeny
(7298) Fig Leaf x 200
(5165) Crown [1] x 1
Evil Snake Lord Hat [1]
5,000,000 zeny
(5347) Ph.D Hat [1] x 1
(975) Scarlet Dyestuffs x 1
(982) White Dyestuffs x 1
(983) Black Dyestuffs x 1
(7169) Ba Gua x 1
Executioner Hood / Cap of Blindness [1]
3,000,000 zeny
(7017) Executioner's Mitten x 5
(2288) Mr Scream x 1
(983) Black Dyestuffs x 5
Fish Head Hat
3,000,000 zeny
(1054) Ancient Lips x 10
(1023) Fish Tail x 50
(579) Fresh Fish x 100
(1429) Fisherman's Dagger x 1
Fisherman's Hat
5,000,000 zeny
(5120) Bucket Hat [1] x 2
(976) Lemon Dyestuffs x 5
(1059) Fabric x 50
Flying Angel / Flapping Angel Wing
9,000,000 zeny
(671) Gold Coin x 5
(2254) Angel Wing x 1
(7441) Blue Feather x 100
Frog Hat
2,000,000 zeny
(918) Sticky Webfoot x 200
(1061) Witched Starsand x 50
Frozen Twin Pompom
2,000,000 zeny
(2236) Santa Hat x 2
(978) Cobaltblue Dyestuffs x 1
(1034) Blue Hair x 50
(995) Mystic Frozen x 20
Gangster Scarf
5,000,000 zeny
(5096) Assassin Mask x 1
(2265) Gangster Mask x 1
(6091) Dark Red Scale x 1
(7566) Will of Red Darkness x 1
(975) Scarlet Dyestuffs x 5
(916) Feather of Birds x 200
(7063) Soft Feather x 20
Gemini Crown
5,000,000 zeny
(2235) Crown x 1
(996) Rough Winds x 50
(7445) Green Bijou x 50
Gemini Diadem
5,000,000 zeny
(5124) Fricca's Circlet x 1
(996) Rough Winds x 50
(7445) Green Bijou x 50
Green Sheila Hairnet / Green Bunny Hairband [1]
5,000,000 zeny
(5213) Shiela Hairnet x 1
(979) Sarkgreen Dyestuffs x 4
2,000,000 zeny
(748) Witherless Rose x 100
(5061) Flower Hairpin x 1
Holy Marcher Hat / Parade Hat [1]
2,000,000 zeny
(2261) Army Cap x 1
(978) Cobaltblue Dyestuffs x 1
(7063) Soft Feather x 50
(983) Black Dyestuffs x 1
Hunter Hat / Hunter's Cap [1]
5,000,000 zeny
(979) Darkgreen Dyestuffs x 1
(7445) Green Bijou x 150
(1059) Fabric x 100
Judge Cap / Judge Hat
3,000,000 zeny
(7446) Green Bijou x 7
(7446) Blue Bijou x 7
(7447) Red Bijou x 7
(7448) Yellow Bijou x 7
(945) Raccoon Leaf x 100
(983) Black Dyestuffs x 1
(733) Cracked Diamond x 5
Kafra Band
5,000,000 zeny
(2258) Spiky Band x 1
(2210) Hair Band x 1
(7063) Soft Feather x 10
Kawaii Ribbon / Charming Ribbon [1]
5,000,000 zeny
(2250) Cute Ribbon x 1
(2244) Big Ribbon x 1
(10007) Silk Ribbon x 1
Legionnaire Hat [1]
5,000,000 zeny
(5016) Boy's Cap x 1
(1098) Manacles x 200
(975) Scarlet Dyestuffs x 5
(1004) Chivalry Emblem x 10
Leo Crown
5,000,000 zeny
(2235) Crown x 1
(994) Flame Heart x 50
(7446) Blue Bijou x 100
Leo Diadem
5,000,000 zeny
(5124) Fricca's Circlet x 1
(994) Flame Heart x 50
(7446) Blue Bijou x 100
Libra Crown
5,000,000 zeny
(2235) Crown x 1
(6075) Crystalized Teardrop x 50
(7445) Green Bijou x 200
Libra Diadem
5,000,000 zeny
(5124) Fricca's Circlet x 1
(6075) Crystalized Teardrop x 50
(7445) Green Bijou x 200
Linguistic Book Hat
2,000,000 zeny
(1550) Book [3] x 2
(1006) Old Magicbook x 5
Lion Mask
2,000,000 zeny
(1048) Horrendous Hair x 100
(7564) Rotten Meat x 150
(517) Meat x 50
Little Angel Doll
10,000,000 zeny
(5671) Drooping Morroc Minion [1] x 1
(2285) Apple of Archer x 1
(4316) False Angel Card x 3
(4394) Lady Solace Card x 3
(978) Cobaltblue Dyestuffs x 5
(982) White Dyestuffs x 5
(7212) Hung Doll x 100
(7268) Little Ghost Doll x 100
(754) Raccoon Doll x 10
Love Daddy Hat
3,000,000 zeny
(994) Flame Heart x 100
(976) Lemon Dyestuffs x 1
(5016) Boy's Cap x 1
Luxurious Wedding Veil [1]
5,000,000 zeny
(2206) Wedding Veil x 1
(1059) Fabric x 200
(7751) Old White Cloth x 100
Magnolia Hat [1]
1,500,00 zeny
(574) Egg x 150
(7031) Old Frying Pan x 150
Maiden's Twin Ribbon / Twin Ribbon [1]
7,000,000 zeny
(5085) Small Ribbons x 1
(7166) Soft Silk x 250
Mischievous Fairy
4,000,000 zeny
(2286) Elven Ears x 1
(6395) Angel Magic Power x 25
Necktie [1]
5,000,000 zeny
(978) Cobaltblue Dyestuffs x 2
(7166) Soft Silk x 100
Neko Mimi
5,000,000 zeny
(7267) Tiger Panty x 300
(7171) Leopard Skin x 300
(949) Feather x 100
Note Headphones [1]
5,000,000 zeny
(5001) Headset x 1
(978) Cobaltblue Dyestuffs x 1
(991) Crystal Blue x 200
Peacock Feather [1]
1,000,000 zeny
(7115) Harpy Feather x 200
(2229) Helm [1] x 1
(7441) Blue Feather x 25
(7440) Red Feather x 25
Peco-peco Ears / Peco Ears
1,000,000 zeny
(5074) Angel Wing Ears x 1
(7101) Peco Peco Feather x 150
Pisces Crown
5,000,000 zeny
(2235) Crown x 1
(1023) Fish Tail x 200
(991) Crystal Blue x 100
Pisces Diadem
5,000,000 zeny
(5124) Fricca's Circlet x 1
(1023) Fish Tail x 200
(991) Crystal Blue x 100
Poporing Hat / Poporing Cap
1,000,000 zeny
(5035) Poring Hat x 1
(979) Darkgreen Dyestuffs x 1
(938) Sticky Mucus x 100
Puppy Hat
5,000,000 zeny
(5008) Puppy Love x 1
(5118) Puppy Headband x 1
(1060) Golden Hair x 100
Red Comb / Hair Brush
5,000,00 zeny
(975) Scarlet Dyestuffs x 5
(999) Steel x 100
Red Glasses
2,000,000 zeny
(2276) Angled Glasses x 1
(998) Iron x 100
(718) Garnet x 2
Red Wing Hat [1]
4,000,000 zeny
(5172) Beret x 1
(2254) Angel Wing x 1
(975) Scarlet Dyestuffs x 1
(7166) Soft Silk x 120
Ride Word Hat [1]
2,000,000 zeny
(1550) Book [3] x 1
(1556) Book of Gust Wind x 1
(4185) Rideword Card x 1
RJC Katyusha Flower [1]
8,000,000 zeny
(7510) Valhalla's Flower x 2
(975) Scarlet Dyestuffs x 1
(2210) Hair Band x 1
Sakura Milk Tea Hat [1]
5,000,000 zeny
(2227) Cap [1] x 1
(7567) Suspicious Hat x 100
Sakura Mist Hat [1]
7,000,000 zeny
(710) Illusion Flower x 50
(5123) Ulle's Cap [1] x 1
(2614) Eye of Dullahan x 1
Sales Banner
1,000,000 zeny
(2272) Stop Post x 1
(7451) Fire Dragon Scale x 1
(983) Black Dyestuffs x 1
Scorpio Crown
5,000,000 zeny
(2235) Crown x 1
(993) Green Live x 100
(7448) Yellow Bijou x 100
(904) Scorpion Tail x 100
Scorpio Diadem [1]
5,000,000 zeny
(5124) Fricca's Circlet x 1
(993) Green Live x 100
(7448) Yellow Bijou x 100
(904) Scorpion Tail x 100
Scuba Mask / Scuba Gear
5,000,000 zeny
(7325) Flexible Tube x 5
(2205) Diver Goggles x 1
(7355) Transparent Plate x 1
Sigrun's Wings
6,000,000 zeny
(7441) Blue Feather x 100
(5074) Angel Wing Ears x 1
Shaman Hat [1]
10,000,000 zeny
(2255) Evil Wing x 1
(5045) Magician Hat x 1
(975) Scarlet Dyestuffs x 1
Shaman's Coif / Shaman's Hair Decoration
5,000,000 zeny
(1059) Fabric x 50
(5665) Shaman Hat [1] x 1
Sheila Hairnet
4,000,000 zeny
(949) Feather x 100
(7063) Soft Feather x 10
(2210) Hair Band x 1
(1059) Fabric x 70
Sloth Hat [1]
5,000,000 zeny
(754) Raccoon Doll x 200
(2213) Kitty Band x 1
(919) Animal Skin x 1
Solar Hat
5,000,000 zeny
(724) Cursed Ruby x 10
(7938) Light Particle x 25
Soul Ring
5,000,000 zeny
(2254) Angel Wing x 1
(2282) Halo 1
(7064) Wing of Dragonfly 100
(969) Gold 5
Taurus Crown
5,000,000 zeny
(2235) Crown x 1
(997) Great nature x 50
(7106) Antelope Horn x 100
(7448) Yellow Bijou x 200
(5066) Succubus Horn x 1
Taurus Diadem
5,000,000 zeny
(5124) Fricca's Circle x 1
(997) Great nature x 50
(7106) Antelope Horn x 100
(7448) Yellow Bijou x 200
(5066) Succubus Horn x 1
Tiger Mask
3,000,000 zeny
(1029) Tiger Skin x 100
(2297) Goblin Mask x 1
(7267) Tiger Panty x 50
Tiraya Bonnet / Striped Hat [1]
5,000,000 zeny
(983) Black Dyestuffs x 5
(978) Cobaltblue Dyestuffs x 5
(5045) MAgician Hat x 1
(981) Violet Dyestuffs x 5
Twin Pompom by JB
2,000,000 zeny
(5390) Frozen Twin Pompom x 1
(975) Scarlet Dyestuffs x 1
Valkyrie Feather Band [1]
5,000,000 zeny
(7510) Valhalla's Flower x 1
(2210) Hair Band x 1
(7063) Soft Feather x 50
Virgo Crown [1]
5,000,000 zeny
(2235) Crown x 1
(997) Great Nature x 50
(726) Sapphire x 50
(1049) Skirt of Virgin x 200
Virgo Diadem [1]
5,000,000 zeny
(5124) Fricca's Circlet x 1
(997) Great Nature x 50
(726) Sapphire x 50
(1049) Skirt of Virgin x 200
Wanderer's Sakkat [1]
9,000,000 zeny
(7446) Blue Bijou x 100
(6089) Dark Piece x 100
(2280) Sakkat x 1
Wandering Wolf Hat / Wandering Wolf Helm
9,000,000 zeny
(7030) Claw of Desert Wolf x 400
(626) Monster Juice x 5
(5075) Cowboy Hat x 1
Whikebine's Black Cat Ears
1,000,000 zeny
(5057) Black Cat Ears x 1
(7206) Black Cat Doll x 100
Whisper Mask
3,000,000 zeny
(7019) Loki's Whispers x 1
(7567) Suspicious Hat x 50
White Petal / Romantic White Flower
3,000,000 zeny
(2269) Romantic Flower x 1
(9882) White Dyestuffs x 1
(2207) Fancy Flower x 10
Yellow Shiela Hairnet / Yellow Bunny Hairband [1]
5,000,000 zeny
(976) Lemon Dyestuffs x 3
(5213) Shiela Hairnet x 1
(980) Orange Dyestuffs x 1
Yoyo Hat
2,000,000 zeny
(753) Yoyo Doll x 1
(4044) Smokie Card x 1
created by: Abigail
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